Stay up to date on what’s happening at Plan Group


October 25, 2021

Plan Group Energy’s Second Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive

Earlier this month, the Plan Group Energy team wrapped up their second annual Thanksgiving Food Drive with a donation of more than 432 lbs of non-perishables to Kincardine’s food bank.
October 12, 2021

New Recycling Program Launching at Bay Adelaide North!

This month Plan Group is introducing a new project-based recycling program is increasing efficiencies on site, as well as reducing our business’s overall environmental footprint.
September 30, 2021

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Today marks Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
September 8, 2021


Plan Group’s entire Senior Management Team is fully vaccinated, and they’re taking to our Instagram account to share their #VaxPlan stories.